Put Your Message Out There

Create some of your own media to demand change

Depending on what materials you create, you can include a lot of information or a little:

A little bit of information can go on…

  • A pin to go on a backpack or coat
  • A postcard - postcard campaigns are a cool way to get a lot of people to send a message to one person in particular
  • A tweet

A medium amount of information can go in…

  • A petition
  • An info-sheet - are there specific facts that people need to know? You can create a letter-sized sheet of information to share online or hand out at events!
  • A social media post
  • An online or newspaper article
  • A news interview

A lot of information can go on…

  • A website or facebook page
  • A newsletter
  • An advocacy day
  • An information session (in-person or virtual)

No matter what you end up making, make sure your materials can answer these questions: What are you asking for? Why are you asking for it? How will it benefit everyone?